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5 Kinds of Minds and Intellects in Action #312
This important teaching from the Father of Sankhya Yoga, Lord Kapila, reveals that action of all kinds is fraught with potential problems and recurring karmas. His point for mentioning “acts of good stupefaction,” for instance, is most clarifying, bringing to light those actions done by people with good intentions but poor insight. Knowing about this type of short-sightedness keeps the more careful thinker and worker from falling out of balance or being caught off guard when the actions of most beings in the world go awry and produce detrimental outcomes. It is no wonder that so many of the rishis of India, including the Fathers of Yoga and Vedanta, took recourse to Kapila’s teachings, particularly concerning the art of Karma Yoga.

Akushala-Mula — The 3 Unwholesome Roots in Buddhism #228
Zeroing in on a trio of particularly horrific negativities in the human mind, Buddhism draws attention to the cause of so much of the suffering that plagues human beings in the world. Certainly, all suffering cannot be removed, since it is the very nature of relative existence to host it. But the main causes for unnecessary suffering can and should be destroyed, and at its very roots as well. The fitting image on this chart will help convince living beings — awakened and unawakened alike — of the good sense and reason to do away with such unwholesome roots as soon as humanly possible.

Cause & Effect in the Mind #140
Knowledge available in Western scientific circles con cerning cause and effect is limited mostly to physical bodies in space, whether space it be space on Earth or outer space. There is no provision made for inner space. This limits the human mind in its efforts to find the sources for what occurs to embodied beings as a result of their actions on the physical plane of existence. Known as “karma,” the results of actions perpetrated in space and time originate in the mind; repercussions coming to the soul do not just appear as a matter of randomness or luck, etc. Therefore, the inwardly quassative being will come to find that “thought is the father to the deed,” as a wise Western saying evinces. Knowing of this direct correlation between thought, action, and karma, leaves the pathway open for the spiritual aspirant to pursue and attain to freedom from unforeseen and undesirable effects springing from subtle causes.

The 4 Enemies, 3 Stupefactions, & 3 Deadly Traps #178
What is the cause for the karmas that come to people, particularly of the negative variety? This chart enumerates three collections of specific problems that have been noted by the luminaries, and that are both common to the world, and at the root of the many terrible repercussions that visit the unawakened soul due to wayward thoughts and ill-considered actions. The serious soul who courts freedom from suffering seeks out a spiritual guide to receive instructions for destroying these obstacles.

The 6 Transformations, 6 Passions, 5 Billows, & 8 Fetters #179
In the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna — a must read for all serious spiritual aspirants in this present time — mention of the infamous 6 passions and 8 fetters is made. This helpful dharma chart specifies exactly what these impediments are, inclusive of a beneficial list of the well-known 6 Transformations told by both Lord Buddha in His time, and by Indian rishis long before Him.

The Dynamics of Karma Yoga #39
To live a life free of the stultifying effects of one's good, bad, and mixed actions will require of the sensitive seeker a thorough knowledge of Karma Yoga and its specific dynamics. To live a life devoid of such wisdom is to risk one’s peace of mind and brook potential calamity. The enlightened seers throughout time have left instructions on how to deal with this precarious field of seemingly random, fructifying activity, and effectively attenuating and neutralizing karma for all time.

The Four Kinds of Karma #13
Unknown to most beings, cause and effect and the suffering it brings begins in the mind, i.e., “The thought is father to the deed.” Even more obscure of knowledge is the fact that karmas is at the root of a chain of lifetimes that beings suffer and enjoy, interminably. A complete study and ongoing meditation upon the laws of Karma will reveal its four types and four shades, clearing up many of the mind’s doubts and helping the seeker of truth attain to freedom from the weights of cause and effect.

The Seven-Fold Road to Ruination #294
In Sri Krishna’s Bhagavad Gita, one of the most exceptional scriptures of the world, there is a system that outlines the many questionable and ill-advised pathways that living beings can take. It consists of twists and turns on the road of life that take the soul away from its original purpose for taking on a body on earth in the first place. The chart shown here is replete with wisdom quotes from many of the world’s luminaries which both advise and guide the aspiring being away from such dead-end trajectories. In brief, when one has access to the expansive continent of Brahman, set within seven chakra-countries of Consciousness lined with all manner of roads to realization, why would these dingy back alley-ways of dense darkness seem appealing at all?

The Ten Major Knots in the Rope of Human Bondage #181
As a comprehensive list of what ails the incarnated human soul, this wisdom chart outlines the painful subject fully. Accompanied by an image from Indian Itihasa (scriptural history) wherein the gods and demigods are churning the ocean of existence in order to procure all items of pleasure for themselves, yet unmindful of the fact that this activity will also stir up an acidic poison resulting in suffering as well, the point of avoiding such hosts of deluding pairs of opposites is brought home to the seeker after peace and bliss. This is something to have mounted on the walls of ones home, as a reminder of the potential for suffering that lurks just below the surface of all surface enjoyments and their pastimes.

The Threefold Fruits, Threefold Causes, & Five Incitements to Action #313
Among the many informative teachings of the Bhagavad Gita, given by the Lord, Sri Krishna, to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshektra, the subject of karma always receives a full rendering of its deep and profound meaning. What incites a living being to act, or, the inner causes for its decisions and motions on the field of action, makes a beneficial study for every aspiring being following the path of spirituality in this day and age.

Transforming Poison into Nectar #10
Transcending all problems and ills of relativity while still living amidst it is the special ability of those adept souls who have learned the spiritual art of extracting the essence from existence. As these illumined beings go about the subtle ecstacies of living a divine life in this manner, they naturally and subtly remove poisonous karmas from the minds and lives of others who are still suffering the effects of relative existence.