Kundalini Yoga
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Four Main Aspects of Kundalini Shakti #216
The entirety of a philosophical system is scarcely studied and mastered nowadays, as novitiate practitioners move to attempt to have experiences of high and qualitative substance long before they are ready. Studying the Four Main Aspects of Kundalini Shakti shown on this dharma chart is a good example of this unfortunate fact. She has four manifestations of Herself that oversee the growth of the aspirant, from beginning to the culmination of samadhi at the fourth tier. These aspects are to be reverently propitiated according to the tradition and its gurus. This chart is a guide that reveals what each stage is about, and what is required of the seeker who moves along them.

Inward Ascension #150
The wisdom transmitted by Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa on the mystical path of Kundalini Yoga is unprecedented in this day and time. Having had the direct spiritual experience of Kundalini Shakti at all centers of existence, the Great Master has both rejuvenated this ancient pathway, and made it authentic and accessible once again for contemporary aspirants. Thus He stands out as the main guru of this superlative way, if not the only fully accomplished teacher of it in this age.

Kundalini Yoga as Mahayoga #242
Graced with a spectacular visual, this dharma chart fuses together several salient systems of the hosts of India’s fine darshanas to give a clear idea of the principle of Mahayoga. Along with Abhavayoga, Mahayoga is seen as the consummate height of what is attainable in spirituality overall. A yoga this elevated has to involve the Kundalini Shakti, for as Sri Ramakrishna has stated, “There can be no substantial spiritual progress made without the awakening of Kundalini Shakti.”

The 4 Aspects of Kundalini Shakti II #281
An excellent companion chart to the Four Aspects of Kundalini Shakti I, this dharma chart includes teachings on both the signs of Kundalini awakening in the spiritual aspirant, and valuable wisdom on the stages of the mind’s merging into formlessness as well. #306 The Kundalini Shakti & Her Chakras Chakras, symbols, petals, seed bijams, deities, and presiding aspects of Shakti are all gathered together in this handy and useful dharma chart. In addition, inspirational stanzas from wisdom songs in the Kundalini Yoga tradition are also assigned to each chakra, revealing the secrets of each particular lotus in conjunction with words of praise to the Divine Mother Herself.

The 7 Causes and 10 Impediments in Kundalini Yoga #188
Beginning aspirants in spiritual life often have a kind of initial romance with the path of Kundalini Yoga, rushing to meditate upon its chakras, to use it for healing, and for assigning colors to it for surface meditations. Few seekers come to know first about the various impediments in the way of accessing Her power, and what causes them. Also unknown to them is the fact that the tradition states that each chakra has a nectar and a poison associated with it, and that these have to be properly accessed and utilized, and carefully avoided or purified, respectively. Therefore, such a dharma chart as this will prove invaluable to those rare seekers who want to prepare and qualify themselves for this rarified path prior to venturing carelessly into its inner regions.

The 7 Centers & Planes of Awareness #226
This helpful and informative dharma chart contains correlations of the seven chakras of the Kundalini system with the seven worlds, or lokas, from the Vedic tradition. It also sports select quotes from Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa Deva concerning inward experiences that are had as the ascending practitioner pierces through these lotuses and arrives at each in masterful form. The Great Master also likens the seven chakras to the seven holes of a flute, which should all be utilized adeptly by the divine spiritual musician.

The 7 Sat Chakras of Kundalini Yoga #270
This comprehensive dharma chart reveals many facets of Kundalini Yoga, with informative correlations between the seven centers, their locations, their presiding deities, and the number of petals for each chakra. Included from the tradition as well are rare teachings on the nadis, and the prana shaktis that assist the aspirant in reaching transcendental Consciousness at the highest center.

The Kundalini Shakti & Her Chakras #306
Chakras, symbols, petals, seed bijams, deities, and presiding aspects of Shakti are all gathered together in this handy and useful dharma chart. In addition, inspirational stanzas from wisdom songs in the Kundalini Yoga tradition are also assigned to each chakra, revealing the secrets of each particular lotus in conjunction with words of praise to the Divine Mother Herself.