The Word & The Revealed Scriptures
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Aum & Hrim — The Two Great Bijams #215
Singular and salutary elements in every transformative Divine Mother mantra, the two great seed words of irresistible power and positivity are not just to be noted, or even merely repeated, but are to be taken apart and deeply studied in close proximity to the spiritual preceptor and the revealed scriptures. When the aspirant finds out how all cosmic principles are contained within a word, and all words are located within the Goddess, then the realization will follow that the Word is within, and that everything out here in relativity has come from within the Self.

Daivi Vak — India’s Great Spiritual Statements #122
Missing throughout the ages in religion, and abiding undetected in the deeper reaches of the human mind, the truth of “This Self is Brahman,” or “I and my Father are One,” is rendered unable to transmit its transforming and revivifying effects on the consciousness of embodied beings. Only a few rare souls — those who dive deep into the ocean of conscious awareness to uncover this supreme secret — reap the benefits of Its power,
coming forth to declare to all who would open their ears, that the apparently individualized soul is really the Supreme Soul. Certain powerful utterances have emerged over time that bring this incomparable realization of the “Self in All” into the realm of aural expression, albeit with an necessary economy of words. The Mahavakyas accomplish this, along with a host of other pithy declarations that lead the soul to a long-awaited understanding of its own Divine Essence.

Guide to Gaudapada’s Karika #82
The famous commentary of the illumined soul, Gaudapada, who was the guru of Shankara’s guru, is taken apart and laid out here so as to be utilized by the inquisitive student of Nonduality for purposes of easy inspection and integration. This unique and fully distinctive work has inspired eastern and western luminaries, philosphers, professors, devotees, students, and intellectuals alike, and is a key and crucial mainstay
in spiritual life for that fully dedicated aspirant who is seeking Enlightenment in this very life.

Mother India’s Revealed Scriptures on Earth #53
Out of the internal ethers, called akashas, have marched a divine host of select God-realized souls who are especially qualified to introduce suffering humanity to pathways leading to ultimate freedom. With illumined minds and transparent egos, they bring with them the memory of timeless wisdom which they promptly disseminate and set forth into the written word, becoming “revealed scriptures.” By contemplating these, all principles of life (tattvas) get infused with fresh energy, and the human mind gains new insights into its perfect, though now long-forgotten, Essence.

Omkara — The Call of the Hamsa #195
The Hamsa, the swan, holds a particularly powerful and symbolic place in the vast scheme of India’s religious and philosophical pathways. Even beyond the esoteric teaching from the famous story of its abilities to separate the water from milk, i.e., the admixture of worldliness from Pure Consciousness, its relationship with The Word and all that it signifies also comes forth for contemplation — as the dharma art wisdom chart displayed here offers up for rapt and due inspection.

Omkara — The Great Cause #95
Divine Reality, which is formless Essence, is causeless. So whence and from what sprang all the worlds of name and form in time and space? From The Word. As Jesus stated, “In the beginning was The Word, and The Word was with God, and The Word was God.” In this context he was speaking in terms of beginnings and endings, of all that comes into being via the duality of cause and effect (karma). Sri Krishna clarifies further in the Bhagavad Gita by stating that there are no beginnings, middles, and ends in Brahman. It is Timeless and Eternal. On this dharma chart are to be seen several of the cosmological processes that occur out of The Word, and it is to be presumed that Divine Reality, Brahman, stands by as these come forth, observing the play, but remaining ever-perfect, beyond all transitions, transformations, and transmigrations.

The Four Stages of the Word #121
As life, realms, and embodied beings effloresce into form, all over interminable and repetitive cycles of time, they do so under the auspice of God’s Word (AUM() and come into manifestation from Formlessness in four stages. Ultimate, and unknown by any type of mind, pure, conscious Awareness is a state wherein The Word has already merged in Brahman. The seeds for all of this multifarious legerdemain of maya lie in the second stage of The Word, as seeds in the Great Mind (Mahat) The third and fourth stages of manifestation see the appearance of what is subtle and gross coming forth from the causal second state. All of this is revealed clearly in the wisdom chart displayed here, offered for clarification of the human mind laboring under the auspice of the world-bewitching maya.

The One-Hundred & Eight Upanisads #27
Pure, distilled essence from the illumined minds of the seers of Mother India, the 108 upanisads are Vedanta personified. This rarified wisdom, of nondual type, is eternal. It was gleaned by intense practitioners and profound meditators whose time was dedicated to ages of devout rituals, centuries of blissful chanting of devotional songs, timeless concentration and distillation of sacred mantrams, and millennia of deep forest contemplations away from the chaos and confusion of worldly human beings. The Upanisads contain all of this and more — burgeoning into our own age free of text-torturing, scriptural misinterpretation, and religious narrowness.

The Three Matras of AUM in the Mandukyopanisad #287
One of the simple but simply profound teachings of Advaita Vedanta involves taking the deeper meaning of AUM, The Word, and splitting it into the matras of its three letters, A, U, and M. Upon due contemplation of this internal spiritual act, it is seen that all that exists falls within these three partitions of Consciousness. Making this simpler still, the states of waking, dreaming, and deep sleep are applied to the three matras as well, revealing that all and everything in existence lies within the Soul/Awareness of mankind. Knowing this, the seeker can then connect the three matras into one, realizing in the process that by leaving them separate from one another, the soul will wander the three worlds in ignorance of the Truth, unaware of its own true nature.

The Three Stages of Indian Philosophy #229
Resurrected by Swami Vivekananda during his lifetime, and which he called his secret discovery for this day and time, and that he spread about for all to consider and grow by, the three stages of philosophy apply both to India and to all religions in all countries. Those groups who believe that they are separate from God, those who know that they have a deep connection with God, and those who declare their inherent oneness with God — this is a simple description of this triputi. The secret here is that these three perspectives are both levels of understanding as well as stages or steps in Consciousness, the deeper secret being that they lead inward and outward, both, according to how the free soul wants to utilize them.

Vedantic Secrets of the Scriptures #26
To even find one’s way to the revealed scriptures of India is rare for living beings, for there are so many corrupted forms of religious writing in existence today. Once discovered, it will take considerable preparation to come to appreciate these pure revelations, as well as to glean their secrets of application. A guru will be necessary, and one that can transmit their essence and guide the aspirant in their methods. But following this time-tested tract, ignorance will die, and when it does, progress along the spiritual path will be swift and unerring. So declare monastic and religious institutions that are many millennia old, and still in existence today.