Intelligence & Ignorance
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3 Stages, 3 Plateus, 3 Obstacles #230
This dharma art wisdom chart of triple triputis brings powerful and beneficial wisdom to bear upon the aspiring mind seeking higher Consciousness. What to accept, what to reject, and what to attain first and foremost is all spread out here, utilizing specific teachings from the sacred tradition. Of special mention is the teaching around the sense of ownership, agency, and separation — three tendencies in the human mind that can quickly turn into traps in life. Sri Ramakrishna treats each of these with ignorance-dispelling words of wisdom, and at the same time calling attention to them so that the watchful seeker of Truth can avoid wasting precious time along the path to Enlightenment.
Chidabhasa: The Reflection of Brahman in the Cosmos #240
One of the major stumbling blocks to full comprehension of Advaita Vedanta is the insistence of the human mind that God/Brahman is in the world, i.e., that nondual Awareness is somehow locked into and inseparable from matter. This misconception is usually fueled by human emotionalism, and is left unchecked by dualistic and fundamentalistic religion of the present day. The teaching of Chidabhasa from the Vedantic perspective comes to the rescue here, explaining how Divine Reality can be said to reflect in nature, and to associate with forms, but never actually becomes matter or living beings. It is pure Being, not subject to becoming. This understanding leaves God/Brahman free of all limitations, as It is. It also allows for the embodied soul to seek that freedom beyond matter and its decay, which is was born to do.
Curtain of Nescience #116
An esoteric and rarely to be seen or heard teaching from Mother India’s vast dharmic treasure-house, the Curtain of Nescience is not only a cosmic principle in the inner worlds, but also an excellent way of explaining to seekers and confused beings alike the presence of obscuration that keeps the mind from seeing inwardly, thus veiling its ablity to clearly perceive Divine Reality. Sometimes the truth is simple, but so is the solution. This subtle curtain that hides knowledge and insight is made thicker by the mind’s tendency towards habits such as brooding, fear, and failure to seek knowledge. Obversely it is rendered thinner by destroying these factors. Thus, a thorough scrutiny of this wisdom chart will alert the mind to its own liberating abilities, and to its self-perpetrated impediments as well.
Disappearance of Ignorance #154
If ignorance were real, it would persist after the gaining of knowledge. Precious inherent human knowledge, if lost in the first place, returns to the soul when it embarks on the quest for higher Awareness, called Enlightenment. Shown on this wisdom chart are two pathways leading inwards and upwards to the summit of Bliss and Transcendence. The many lower and higher truths that the soul meets with along the way are placed in stages, titled, then set against many inspiring spiritual quotes stated by luminaries who have attained the Goal Supreme. For many of these, ignorance disappeared forever in one particular lifetime, along the trajectories of discipline and fulfillment.
Dissolved and Crystalized Mind #272
Already praised by aspiring students for its far-reaching and beneficial qualities, this dharma art wisdom chart places two options side by side with regard to the human mind. That is, the individual can decide to be graced with a mind that has accomplished its business on earth by dissolving all undesirable elements in it, or it can choose to labor on, long and hard, under the influence of a mind that has crystalized around all unsavory habits and limiting conventions. The chart here reveals the former and reads the riot act on the latter, leaving the sincere aspirant with a clear choice that is in agreement with the illuminating path of the seers leading to Enlightenment.
Echelons of Fire #244
Fire is dangerous; fire is life-supporting; fire is mystical as well. But beyond the import of these assessments is the fact that fire is the best representative of wisdom. To the seer overseeing all the worlds in time and space, the billions of suns in the nocturnal skies are all the great thought of divine beings manifest in the physical world. To meditate upon fire is to experience its power in stages, as the wisdom chart here reveals so well. From the fire of suffering to the fire of discipline, and on inwards to the fire of nondual wisdom belonging to the goddess, Kali, this element is worthy of worship in the most comprehensive way.
False Assumptions About the Atman #96
Just as coming to know of the difference between the physical body and the spiritual soul is a hallmark of early spiritual awakening, so too is recognizing the distinction between the mind and the Atman an obvious sign of advanced spiritual practice. Amazingly, even at high intellectual levels of understanding, beings with substantial philosophical knowledge and devout religious understanding are constantly superimposing a host of characteristics over the Transcendent Self. The tendency of living beings to place what they know and love the most over the Atman is the reason why Nonduality, or Full Enlightenment, is rarely obtained. Such subtlemost matters we must leave in the hands of beings like Gaudapada and Swami Vivekananda to explain.
From Lower Truth to Higher Truth #138
Taking a famous sloka from the scriptures of India, the soul’s inward journey from the darkness of ignorance to the light of higher Awareness is made clearer. From the loss and lack of spiritual knowledge to its welcome return is thus traced by stages, revealing all the blockages and benefits along the way. Mother Wisdom thereby awaits the aspiring soul, ushering it into the transcendent heights of pure, conscious Awareness.
Illumination of the Jiva #277
The Sharirin is the Light of conscious Awareness. The Sharira is the composite of insentient principles like the body, senses, and mental complex. To live a well-informed life, a true and beneficial existence on earth in the body, is to open up the mind and its components and potential powers to the inner voice of the Sharirin and pay heed. In this wisdom chart, this feat is being described in no uncertain terms, allowing the dull and restless mind the alternative of transforming itself into “an image of the Spirit.” Studied in tandem with chart #272, all the avenues leading to and from ignorance are blocked off completely, leaving the now purified mind steeped in samadhis of knowledge, and higher.
Jnana Chaksu, The Wisdom Eye #224
Known generally in spiritual circles and among preceptors and aspirants alike as the “Third Eye,” the center between the brows hold special significance in several of the religious tradition of the world. Specified as the Jnana Chaksu by Sri Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, and as the Ajna Chakra in the Kundalini Yoga system, the real reference is to a single eye that sees inwardly all the way to the heights of Nondual Awareness. This dharma chart sets off the third eye in contrast to the physical senses, the subtle senses, and the All-seeing Eye that transcends the senses. Quotes from many religious traditions and luminaries complete the picture.
Mental Postures that Bind #139
In tandem with dharma chart #187, which teaches about positive mental postures that the practitioner can attempt to attain and develop, this wisdom chart cautions the seeker as to detrimental positions of the mind that it may still be holding, even habitually, even to the slightest degree. Shown here are several of the common harmful perspectives which living beings allow to occupy their minds and thoughts, most of them having to do with attachment to matter and worldliness. Rebirth in ignorance, over cycles of time, is the reward for such crass and limited thinking, and the suffering that invariably accompanies it.
Occult Powers & the Raincloud of Virtues #107
As the superlative world teacher, Swami Vivekananda, has declared, the spiritual seeker must reject the occult powers when and if they suggest themselves to him during his sadhana stage of life. Otherwise, he will get waylayed, fall off of the true and intended path, and come to inferior modes of living — even to evil doings. It was Sri Krishna who stated, “You will not be able to realize God if you have even one of the eight occult powers.” Considering the declarations of these two luminaries, the wise aspirant will avoid all that smacks of the occult, and rush towards the healing waters of the raincloud of virtues