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Mahashakti — The Supporting Force #219
Since Brahman, the nameless, formless Reality, is unattainable and inconceivable to most beings in the Three Worlds, the entire multifarious, multifaceted business of thousands of realms and billions of embodied beings falls under the adept auspice of the Mahashakti, who projects, sustains, and withdraws them all over vast periods of time. Even the Holy Trinity conducts their many important affairs at Her behest, utilizing Her shakti force. As the Holy Mother, Sri Sarada Devi, has stated: “Always remember: you have a Mother.”
Mother Kali — The Adyashakti #89
It is proclaimed by Vedic and Tantric adepts alike that the Divine Mother of the Universe has five main aspects, known as Prakriti Panchaka in Divine Mother scriptures. At the head of these five aspects is Mother Durga, also seen as Mother Kali. She is the Mother of spiritual transformation. Beings who worship Her are not in the body for purposes of enjoyment, wealth, powers, or even sporting in consciousness — in the “many fields of the Lord.” They are present to master awareness and unite it with Her in the highest nonduality. Mother Kali, in Her scripture, The Srimad Devi Bhagavatam, cites two specific pathways along which this ultimate goal can be accomplished. They are Avyaya Yoga and Dharana Yoga, and Her instructions about them grace this dharma art wisdom chart — along with a stunning image of Her and Her precious son, Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa.
Prakasha Shakti, The Revealing Power #112
The presence of the world-bewitching Maya and its often insidious influence in life and mind is recognized by the astute spiritual aspirant by three aspects that pervade all of relative existence. First, its covers, outright. Secondly, it distorts. Finally, it reveals. Maya is not all negative then, as it sports the innate ability to expose its own powers of veiling and mutability. It is up to the seeker of Truth, however, to locate the exposing power of revelation and begin to apply it in life so as to strip away coverings and clear up distortions on all levels of existence. The Mother who casts veils and projects transforming appearances where only One Reality exists will assist the noble practitioner in this most worthy of all tasks, for soul-revelation is soon followed by Self-realization.
Shaktadvaitavada — Divine Mother Nonduality #68
No matter what the religion, what the philosophy, or what the pathway beings choose in order to get the soul free from suffering and matter, they all go better and reach their highest zenith if awareness of the Divine Mother of the Universe is acknowledged and adhered to. This being the case, imagine, then, the peaceful, blissful, ever-content state of Consciousness enjoyed by those who take Her as their main and very own Ideal, perceiving Her as the underlying power of being and the potent force of intelligence behind all ways leading to Truth. Shaktadvaitavada — both the word and the way — emanates pure knowingness and beingness, as cogent explanations of it found in this dharma chart reveal. As the profound Upanisads relate, “These scriptures represent the secret doctrine, and She, Herself, is the Secret.”
Siva’s 2 Shaktis & 4 Padas #237
Other than his worship as a favored deity, and even other than his identity as a member of the Divine Trinity, Lord Siva’s unknown and unheralded work called the Four Padas is of great import to the worlds of name and form. It would be doing the Lord of Gods a disservice to call him the God of Wisdom, then not know the reason for this honorable title. In this dharma art wisdom chart, both his dedicated works and his two facilitatory powers are revealed for contemplation by all beings who desire to come to know him more fully.
Tantra’s Shiva and Shakti #41
From the masculine and feminine power that resides in all species of nature, through to the divine emanation of the gods and their spiritual consorts, Siva and Shakti embody them all. Like the sun and its rays, the healing power in herbs, and the presence of heat in fire, this Primal Couple are directly responsible for the appearance of the many worlds in time and space, the objects that occupy these infinite realms, and the abundance of living beings who inhabit them. And this is only a small part of Their secret, the remainder to be fathomed and blissfully imbibed by Their loving devotees and shining luminaries in heartfelt worship and deep meditation
The Four Boons & The Four Fruits of Life #73
Similar to chart #71 by way of identical teachings (The Purusharthas), this chart fleshes out the subject of Divine Mother blessings by adding in the teaching of the Four Boons of Life. A human birth/body is an absolute necessity for the transmigrating soul, for all the finer things in the Seven Lokas are attainable through it — what to speak of that singular spiritual attainment of Samadhi, Nirvana, or Satori that is the special gift of Nonduality, Advaita. Who but a realized human being can attain the highest status that is even beyond the celestials and the gods? The Divine Mother grants the sensitive soul the knowledge and ability to merge in pure, conscious Awareness, that is the original Mind from out of which came all sacred things.
The Purusharthas — The Four Fruits of Life #71
The four fruits of life is a classic and fundamental teaching found in the universal path of the Divine Mother of the Universe. She confers upon beings with properly oriented minds, these gracious boons — the only stipulation being that the aspirant and devotee must know that dharma must always come first, prior to wealth and fulfillment of desires. With this mainstay in place, the Mother’s child can move through the Three Worlds at will, enjoying and gaining all that Her realms hold and offer. The most supreme blessing here is that it all ends in moksha, ultimate freedom for the embodied soul, in eternal union with Her.
The Ten Articles of Sri Durga #320
Created after the book by the same name, this dharma art wisdom chart both reveals the Goddesses powerful weapons against ignorance and explains their deep symbology as well. In addition, it encourages all devotees to borrow these tools of Truth-revelation directly from the Goddess Durga via study and meditation, and use them in life in order to bring about a full expression of the very best that embodied existence can offer. Then they will act as purifying and enlightening forces.
Tripura Sundari Devi #284
This very important aspect of the Goddess, who has Her own Upanisad to study, represents three realms of spiritual perfection and higher attainment that save embodied beings from becoming earthbound, thereby falling inexorably into rounds of birth and death in ignorance. By reciting Mother mantra, shakta practitioners are granted passage into Her inner worlds, one by one, therein duly accomplishing both purification and realization under Her protection and apt guidance. The three worlds of transmigration then get transformed into “Tripura,” three worlds of gradual, blissful transcendence. Thus, Her devotees call Her “Sundari,” “Most Beautiful.”