Transformation & Nontransformation
Showing 1–12 of 15 results

14 Stages of Knowledge #157
For all those who are interested in the evolution of ignorant and suffering beings into the echelons of peace, then of bliss, this wisdom chart reveals the deep dharmic details concerning the stages of this divine ascent. Emerging from the nightmare of stunted life, then from the dream of limited existence, the soul encounters the recesses of its own inner knowledge. From ajnana bhumikas to jnana bhumikas, the gradual attainment of freedom ensues, until the soul finds out that its sojourn through these darksome levels of ignorance was nonactual, and rests eternally in perfect repose within nondual Awareness.

4 Levels of Knowers of Brahman #196
If the contemporary West could have received Shankara’s teaching upon the 4 Levels of Knowers of Brahman in current times, many aspirants would not have been misled by spurious teachers and charlatans. These 4 qualities of an authentic spiritual teacher reveal the true luminary, and expertly and efficiently separate him/her from the rank pretender. Also of note is how the advanced knower of Divine Reality navigates the 7 Levels of Higher Knowledge, so prevalent in India’s many spiritual systems. Based upon the dharma teachings gracing this wisdom chart, the true acharya easily stands revealed.

5 Modes of the Divine Experiencer #288
Tantra’s unique contribution to India’s abundance of spiritual pathways and philosophies comes through strong in this dharma art wisdom chart on the Divine Experiencer. The teaching simultaneously shows two facets, the first being the naturally perfect nature of the “All-Experiencer,” and the second being how it loses sight of this essential state of pure Being through thoughts of ownership and attachment. In this way, the sovereignty it owns, the knowledge it possesses, the space it lives in, the span of time it enjoys, and the action it engages in, all suffer limitation. It must return, then, to its original state of Limitless Awareness.

Aparinama — The Principle of Nontransformation #62
Two of the most precious teachings of Advaita Vedanta, which can also be stated to be the twin pillars upon which this incomparable “philosophy” stands, are Ajativada and Aparinama. The first deals with the birthless, deathless nature of the Soul, or Atman, and the second follows up by revealing the fact that Divine Reality, or Brahman, does not undergo any transformation whatsoever, even when all things that fall under the auspice of name, form, time, space, and causality (the fivefold maya) suffer change and alteration, constantly. All realized souls — from Govinda to Gaudapada, Christ to Chaitanya, Moses to Mohammed, and Vasishtha to Vivekananda — knew of the immutable nature of Brahman/All-Mighty Father/Yahweh/Allah. The modern world still waits on this insuperable nondual teaching of Nontransformation that, if accepted and taken in, will transport the transmigrating soul into that singular, blissful state of Transcendence.

Atmic and Mayic Sankalpa #49
Whatever contending philosophies of the world may state, there is no doubt that Consciousness manifests in many ways. According to Lord Vasishtha’s school of Yoga, and agreed upon by other great systems, as conscious awareness we get into bodies in two distinct ways: the soul either takes on the body unconsciously, identifies with it, acts, creates karma, and gets bound into a series of lifetimes in ignorance of its Divine Origin; or it can associate with the form and give it up of its own voalition, sporting in the worlds in order to express its divinity while aiding others to break the chains of birth and death in ignorance that binds them fast into the body.

Brahmapada: How Brahman, Divine Reality, Disports Itself #268
In nondual Indian philosophy, the point is made that Brahman, the Reality, though motionless and actionless, nevertheless gets Itself around the worlds of name and form, from higher to lower, via the consciousness of living beings. Namely, this means, in their waking, dreaming, and deep sleep states. Therefore, the kingdoms of heaven really do exist within, not out in space or back in time, as some beings surmise. Further, nondual Reality does not change or get affected by appearing in these conditions; it merely visits and departs, while no one sees It doing so. This wisdom chart reveals the names of many of these stations that receive Brahman’s Light of pure, conscious Awareness.

Consciousness Reflecting Through Nature #252
Emotionalism about nature and sentimentalism around the animal kingdom have confused the average mind of today, causing it to ignorantly superimpose higher principles such as Awareness and Intelligence over what is essentially only insentient matter. Consciousness is not objects, though it does associate with and reflect through them to a certain degree. Identification with nature and objects, however, is actually responsible for the dumbing down of intelligence, causing the soul to forget its Divine Origin. This chart utilizes wisdom quotes to set things straight, so that the mind can clear itself of its misconceptions and realize the transcendent Reality that lies beyond the worlds of name and form.

Cosmic Involution & Scientific Evolution #193
One of the attracting elements that the path to Truth and Enlightenment offers is the revelation of involution towards the Source of Existence, called Soul, Spirit, Atman, and Buddha Nature by religious traditions. The constricting idea that evolution in matter and nature alone is true, attempts to turn mankind’s divine nature into animalistic origins only, and tries to relegate the involving soul to one world alone. What then of the ancestors, celestials, gods, and what lies beyond them? This dharma chart presents for examination the wide and multi-faceted theater of existence wherein the soul disports and expresses itself, sometimes utilizing the human form on the physical level to do so.

King Svotta’s Sankalpa City #264
There is no single word in any language that better explains both the source and dynamic of life than the Sanskrit word, sankalpa. It tells us that embodiment is a dream in time, and clarifies further by citing the mind as the agile and adept hub of this dream. It reveals all as a projection of thought, able and responsible for the appearance of multiple worlds peopled with billions of living beings, all spread out across the many dimensions of the Great Mind in a panorama of spell-binding proportions. Just ask King Svotta, a master of sankalpa, whose vast city of mental projection is shown on this wisdom chart, with all its facets, for deft study. Scrutinizing it, the individual mind may then find out something about its own life, and how it was fashioned by the mind along with the help of countless living beings, all participating in their own form of sankalpa.

Manifested and Unmanifested Prakriti #14
Western man has projected outwards with the five senses and seen only nature in its external mode; he has not looked within to see the source of nature and the five elements in himself. That source lies in his mind, and in the collective mind of billions of other beings on various levels of existence. The human mind holds both dreaming and deep sleep states wherein the seeds to all manifestation lie. These seeds pepper the formless planes of unmanifested prakriti, and from these seeds spring all manner of subtle worlds — leaving the Formless Brahman free of impossible acts such as creation and its many imperfections.

Para and Aparavidya #30
Disbelief in “God,” or Ultimate Reality, is caused in part by our lack of distinction between lower knowledge and higher knowledge/wisdom. If higher knowledge is assigned an agreed upon category for itself among human beings, then they may begin their search for it here in relativity, leading them to Truth — a feat that lower knowledge cannot accomplish by itself. Further, it has been clearly seen that lower knowledge, if left to settle in the human mind as the only goal, becomes dangerous. Such knowledge, without tempering it by higher insight, will soon lead to ways of destroying living beings, as in science’s treatment of the atomic particle found in matter.

Spiritual Transformation and The Goddess #37
For all times, but particularly in this day and age, the Divine Mother of the Universe is the most important relationship to have. Known endearingly as Shakti, She infills everything — even that which infills other things. She is the compelling force behind our life-force, prana, She is the one who empowers our thoughts, and the very one who appears as the “Intelligence in the most intelligent ones.” The chart offered here represents a complete course on the copious set of Her divine powers, ranging from the five elements, on inward to Ultimate Reality Itself.