Nonduality & Universality
Showing 25–36 of 43 results
The 3 States, 7 Limbs, & 14 Mouths of the Individual #114
The most advanced spiritual luminaries declare unanimously that “All is Brahman.” When they state this great Truth they mean it transcendentally, but they also intend that it be taken literally and immanently. This chart explains how the apparently individualized soul, the jivatman, is really the Supreme Soul, Paramatman; jiva is Siva! It may shift its locale in awareness when it visits dream and deep sleep, and it also consumes and exudes the natural world while in the waking state — all with its 19 mouths. Considering the individual, or oneself, in this unique and more enlightened way, the chasm between God and mankind can be breached, and the unity of “I and my Father are one,” or “Tat Tvam Asi,” can be realized. This is the best of informed cosmology and all-pervasive nonduality.
The Four Levels of Brahman’s Subtlety #161
As nondual Reality reveals more and more of Itself to the limited but expanding human mind, it becomes clear that Consciousness holds within its vast regions some stellar and stunning atmospheres that can only be fathomed by the most elevated and masterful of realized beings. Sublime titles and scriptural slokas indicating these overlapping divisions are to be found on this dharma chart, to aid the human mind in comprehending a little of its own pure and pristine Awareness.
The Four Stages of Absorption & Formlessness #99
If there is only one true religion, that would have to be Nonduality, for only this highest Principle holds the capacity to both contain all other religions, and merge them into one another as well. And the secret of the rare Religion of Nonduality is Formlessness; that is the one distinct element that all the religions of the world do not profess, and if it is present there, it is not emphasized. There are many sweet drinks available for the palate, but only honey embodies the essence of sweetness. There are many great rivers on earth, but they all have the Ocean as their final destination. It was in this way that great souls like Buddha projected a body on earth and spoke to and of this most elevated spiritual station as Truth, giving It just enough form so as to attract the freedom-loving soul to engage with It. Like a mountain that loses all traces of pathways toward its summit, the Religion of Formlessness transcends name and form, time and space, and ushers the enlightened soul towards the peak of perfection called Brahman, Prajnaparam, Allah, the All-mighty Father, and other sublime appelations.
The Four States of Consciousness & Seven Attributes of Turiya #34
The nature of the waking, dreaming, and deep sleep states of humanity has been studied by Indian seers for millennia. They have not just examined it from the waking state, like with wires and machines, but from within dreams and deep sleep, and in meditation on the fourth state beyond these three as well. The result has been the discovery of mankind’s inner nature, from wherein all the physical universe has sprung — as projection of mind rather than creation by God. In short, the entire Kingdom of Heaven lies within us, and only a very small and ever changing portion of it lies outside.
The Four Ways of Perceiving God in Indian Darshanas #283
Graced by supportive statements of truth by Swami Vivekananda and Sri Ramakrishna, this wisdom chart shows at once the catholicity of India’s religion, and the practicality and desirability of opening up the narrow human mind in order to take advantage of the overall benefits of true Universality. Vedanta, Tantra, Gita, Yoga — these main pathways to union with Brahman are infilled with all that the sincere seekers needs to know in order to reach the ultimate Goal of human existence, the realization of God, within.
The Incomparable Views of an Advaita Vedantist #177
The consummate nondualist looks upon Brahman, the mind, and the world in an entirely different way than other beings do. This fact is clarified here in this rare offering of how the mature transcendentalist views all facets of life, always doing so from the perspective of Eternal Life. The Unchanging Reality is the polestar here, which sees everything in relativity revolving around It, and not the other way around, as others see it. This tough but true scrutiny of the Truth-seer’s unique and all-pervasive realization is the very substance of which Advaita Vedanta is made.
The Integral Constitution of the Luminary #231
Most of the embodied beings of this physical world have their lives revolving around matter and objects. Their appreciation for spiritual matters and holy beings is mostly missing, having had little or no spiritual education in their lives. The illumined soul, though rare on earth, maintains the precarious peace and harmony amongst the masses, and acts as an inspiration for those who suffer and an exemplar for aspiring beings seeking liberation — as this wisdom chart outlines perfectly.
The Natural Unity of Religion & Philosophy #158
A veritable host of paths, lineages, sects, yogas, and darshanas embellish Mother India’s collection of sacred systems. Therefore, it is helpful and handy have access to the names and methods of them, in order to provide the seeking mind with both knowledge and inspiration along the spiritual pathway. This dharma chart offers such beneficial provision to the sincere soul, all placed in a context that also lays out the level of philosophy that each one occupies in the realm of consciousness.
The Nine Steps to Perfection #120
Sadhana, as understood by beginning and intermediate practitioners, is mostly a matter of body, prana, and ritualistic worship. When it becomes obvious after a time that the mind will need its own form of practice, more subtle elements are called into play. The inward journey really begins here, for the “kingdom of Heaven” as it could be called, is most certainly within. The mind, with its thoughts, intellect, and ego constituents, are these inner territories. When they are detected, explored, and refined, all manner of exquisite experiences, like samadhis, come forward. For those whose main path is one of wisdom, this chart lays out the dynamics of a mind that is making itself perfectly qualified for the singular experience of ultimate Samadhi, called Nirvikalpa.
The Ocean of Mature Universalism #189
If you have ever found yourself lost in explaining the various attitudes that people have and hold as their personal perspective on the existence of God, this dharma art wisdom chart gathers together these opinions into a group for helpful inspection. Who is the atheist; who is the agnostic? What is ecumenism, and how does electicism operate? Where does secularism and intellectualism fall in this wide scope? And most importantly, what is this new and redolent breeze called Universality that is blowing on the horizon of human thinking? Amazingly enough, Webster’s dictionary holds definitions for all of these perspectives, all gathered conveniently here for deep scrutiny and, hopefully, settling upon a wise path and a winsome way.
The Precipitous Ascent into Higher Awareness #23
In addition to certain fast and firm principles, Advaita, Nonduality, also has several well-mapped out avenues that lead to its timely consummation in the human mind. There is the longer, slower ascent of sythesizing the Yogas; there is the path of outright negation that simply strips away all that is illusory; and there is a pathless path uitlized by past masters when they choose to embody for some important reason. Whatever the road inward may be, or entail, a copious and well laid out map is a helpful and needful tool for those few who are entertaining the highest spiritual vision, and beyond.
The Six Complements & Ten Immutables of Paramatman #115
Utilizing the spiritual cult classic book entitled The Avahut & His 24 Teachers in Nature (also available in the book cover category free of text), this chart superimposes over it two powerful advaitic teachings on the nature of the Great Self, or Paramatman. How to describe Its infinite vastness, all-penetrating presence, and unparalleled glory? It is simply not possible. It must be realized in deepest contemplation that results is Ananda, transcendental Bliss. But a ready supply of profound words about It will help the individual, as well as the minds of others — friends, sangha, children -- to get a taste of It’s incomparable presence. From there Its inner force will do the rest over time.