Nonduality & Universality
Showing 13–24 of 43 results
From Atomic Particles to Atmic Particles #61
The final conclusion of the luminaries and the revealed scriptures is that “All Is Brahman.” But how can this ultimatum be believed when Brahman cannot be an object, an energy, or a thought? As Sri Ramakrishna explained, Brahman, Divine Reality, infuses everything like sweetness permeates sugar cane juice. The same sunlight appears in multiple dew drops that have collected on garden flowers in the early morning. The Light of Consciousness shines in all individuals, and all things — though apparently separated. Similarly, in keeping with the trends of modern science and contemporary human understanding, a way to understand the all-pervasive nature of Consciousness is through examining particles. Western Science has done so on the physical level, but the ancient contemplatives of India saw past the atomic particle and perceived Consciousness vibrating at subtler and subtler levels. This inner vision also revealed to them the presence of inner realms and the secrets of where the eternal Soul goes to and comes from before birth and after death. Whether put in terms of bodies, worlds, deities, or vibration, in-depth teachings on particles clarify our comprehension.
India’s Sanatana Dharma #11
Not just one religious tradition, but many; not just one holy authoritive scripture, but dozens; not just one savior, but hundreds; not just one illumined soul, but thousands — this is Mother India’s Sanatana Dharma, the Eternal Way to God. And concerning paths, there are for every soul that is wending its way out of bondage to mind and matter and back into its Eternal Home of Peace and Bliss. For, India’s perspective is Universal, its acceptance unconditional. Narrowness is not in its nature.
Inscrutable Epithets of Brahman #56
The different religious traditions of the world agree, more or less, that Ultimate Reality – whether titled Brahman, Almighty Father, Prajna Param, Allah, the Great Spirit, and more – is nonetheless indescribable. For Mother India, this fact did not end up as a taboo, but rather as a challenge, as the ancient rishis of that God-centered land came up with fitting epithets for the Formless Reality that, though conundrums in their own way, nevertheless fulfill the task adequately and satisfy the soul’s thirst for understanding along the way.
Jnanamatra, The Atom of Wisdom #227
The existence of particles in everything is certainly one of the finest of all discoveries of all time. But due to mankind’s preoccupation, and even obsession, with matter, what is finer than the finest has gotten overlooked in this age, particularly in modern times. Intelligence itself has particles, and they are not just consisting of thoughts. Divine traits and qualities are lodged there, as this dharma art wisdom chart reveals. The physical atom with all its inherent aspects is modeled after the Wisdom Particle by the Divine Architect, the latter having all its infinite power and potential within.
Mahavakyas of the World’s Avatars #19
The religious traditions of the world always fall victim to the “My watch keeps the only right time” syndrome, as Sri Ramakrishna has stated. But a close examination of the actual words of the Great Souls who founded these religions always reveals the universal mind shared by these luminaries, as well as their adherence to an Ultimate Reality declared by all — whether called Brahman, Prajna Param, Yaweh, Almighty Father, Allah, or others.
Mahavakyas of the World’s Avatars, II #162
The universal nature of world religion is no longer a mere hope among sensitive human beings, nor a theory entertained by the spiritually elite and accomplished. Since the appearance of Sri Ramakrishna in the 1800’s, all religions, not just India’s, have received their due share of support for their innate authenticity. Nevertheless, India has shown the way through its Avatars to revealing not only the catholicity of religion overall, but also the principles and tenets that form the background and substance for Universality in this contemporary time.
Principles of Brahman According to the Upanisads #311
Though they are endless, like the incomparable Subject of which they speak and relate, principles pertinent to Brahman, the Nondual Reality, are legion and legend. In this dharma art wisdom chart the student and seeker can look and mentally note down the qualities of the Reality beyond qualities, thereby seeing why great souls have defined It as being “....with form, beyond form, and beyond both form and formlessness as well.”
Seven Great Universal Ideals #155
Perfect as a wall display at the ashram, the monastery, or in the home shrine or study, this wisdom chart will not allow the human mind to forget about all that is of true import in this life and world. With such teachings held in mind, never again should the insinuations of maya enter and intrude upon ones peace of mind and spiritual focus. With the Supreme Goal of Human Existence, with Its seven sterling facets, set before ones gaze, divine life will always and ever be at hand.
Shankara’s Vivekachudamani Siddhanta #309
The great revealed scripture known as the Crest Jewel of Discrimination is herein scrutinized from the standpoint of its enlightening conclusion on the profound subject of Vedanta. Nothing is left untold, from the loftiest nondual principles on out to the nature of the luminary who embodies and transmits them — as related by one of the most authentic of all nondualists that the world has ever seen.
Sri Ramakrishna’s Divine Descent, Part 1 #303
Here, point by point, is a full rendering of the main and supportive marks of the world’s most recent Avatar, Sri Ramakrishna, who, as Swami Vivekananda has stated, is Rama and Krishna embodied again for the highest good of the world and its living beings. Important features are both listed and explained in brief, so as to inform all striving, struggling, and suffering souls of the appearance of a divine incarnation in our very times, providing a path to salvation and liberation, both.
Sri Ramakrishna’s Divine Descent, Part 2 #304
Following on the heals of Part 1, and a fitting companion to it, the furtherance of the essential points and features of Sri Ramakrishna’s divine descent are listed here, to fill in the picture of just who came to earth recently, and how fortunate we are to have seen and heard of Him.
Tathagatagarbha/Atman — The Transparency of the Self #92
In all Indian Darshanas, which are clear pathways to spiritual sight, the presence of The Presence is both key and undeniable. That It exists is Truth; that It is to be attained or reached is the Goal. And how to bring it forward out of hiding is the Way. All this is expressed in unique ways in Vedanta, Yoga, Buddhism, Tantra, and other superlative avenues to Self-Realization. The ardent seeker only has to sincerely set foot on the spiritual path and proceed forward — which is inwards — preferably under the guidance of an illumined preceptor. For, after the body passes, the soul has nowhere else to move other than inwards, into the Great Mind, or Great Self. Those exceptional beings who have become intrepid spiritual wayfarers, even when they were embodied on earth, are the true Guides who shed Light upon the Way. From the small self, to selflessness, to
the true individual self, then to The Great Self, the inward-moving pilgrim finds Divine Reality — ironically enough — waiting and abiding in his or her own self.